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Transit & Environmental Sustainability

Public Transit is an essential component of civic life. The smooth operation of the HSR serves as a litmus test for a successful and benevolent Hamilton. Improving public transit will reduce cars on the road, which will reduce both noise and air pollution.


My policy changes include:

*Pilot an updated ridership program for the disabled, elderly, and those individuals on a fixed income. This will have several major benefits. It will allow citizens on fixed budgets to easily travel greater distances throughout the city and make transit more affordable and accessible for all Hamiltonians.

*Research options for a high-speed train system between Hamilton and Toronto. This would bring more money into local businesses and cut down on emissions.

*Continue the HSRs ten-year plan in effect and insist there be no more delays.

*Eliminate area rating taxation to help generate more funds for the HSR system to increase the number of buses and routes, in turn increasing ridership throughout the city.

*Link DARTS with our local cab companies to make it easier and more efficient for people with disabilities to travel throughout our city, as the current means of travel are not sufficient or cost effective for those with disabilities.

*Convert HSR buses to electric power whenever possible

Road Safety & Safer Communities

*Repeal plans to turn Main Street into a two-way street for safety reasons. The costs will be exorbitant and twoway conversion does not address any of the other dangerous intersections throughout Ward One, let alone our city.

*Implement all-way scramble cross walks along with a delayed light system at major intersections. This could be done virtually overnight with minimal cost.

*Drop speed limits accompanied by a synchronized traffic light system to cut down on the dangers between pedestrians and motorists and create smooth moving traffic.

*Paint speed limits on the road, so they are more visible, and motorists do not have to take their eyes off the road to look at speed limit signs.

*Greater enforcement of infractions to speed limits and other traffic laws.

*Increase funding for after school programs and access to recreation centres.

*Community policing accompanied by social workers, so all first responders have the support they need to handle situations outside their personal training.  

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Infrastructure/ Economic Advancement

*Support the infrastructure plan for King St, including sewage and gas lines along with putting all wire lines under the ground.

*Extend the King St infrastructure plan to any major street construction.

*Institute a regulated system for assessing and repairing roads with each road checked every four years to reduce issues throughout our city with potholes and other unsafe driving conditions.

*A cost analysis of an asphalt road versus other road surfaces over the course of fifteen to twenty years.

*Propose that damage done to a road that is a result of major construction be repaired by that company when construction is finished.

*Increase wastewater plants as our city grows, I would propose we add a West end sewage treatment plant as we can't keep pumping sewage over vast distances to one single facility.

*Encourage the city to zone for additional entertainment districts, especially near Tim Hortons field.

*Support policy moves towards a living wage for all.

*Incentivize businesses to come here and stay, by reducing red tape around zoning, especially for small businesses.

Affordable Housing

Rising housing costs are a major epidemic that has plagued our city recently, and it has been one of the major contributors to homelessness. This has led into other serious issues within our city, and it is time we started to make coherent plans to fix it:

*Support the HATS initiative to develop temporary sheltering for those most in need.

*Expand and improve our co-op living program.

*Encourage mid-rise/ mixed-use midrise development buildings throughout our city that would be truly affordable.

*Collaborate with property owners, tenants, and banks to find solutions to the housing crisis.

*Support retirement and nursing home residents to ensure our seniors are supported financially, socially, and medically.

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Transparency & Accountability

Trust is a key element of any relationship but especially between government and the citizens they work for. My ideas for building greater trust include:

*Greater accountability from city council.

*More transparency and input from the community on city spending. This would include creating a web-based portal for each ward in Hamilton so all citizens are informed of initiatives and projects within their ward and city and can engage in the conversation with ideas, thoughts and expertise in their fields of knowledge.

*Create a mechanism for council members that want to be honest and transparent about corruption or misdeeds occurring on city council.

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